3 results
Disease Associated Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Genes: Foxp2 (Mmu)
Source: DOID:4186
Definition: A speech disorder that involves mispronouncing speech sounds by omitting, distorting, substituting, or adding sounds which can make speech difficult to understand.
Genes: Foxp2 (Mmu)

Source: DOID:0111275
Definition: A speech disorder characterized by severe orofacial dyspraxia resulting in largely incomprehensible speech that has_material_basis_in heterozygous mutation in FOXP2 on 7q31.1.
Genes: Foxp2 (Mmu)

Source: DOID:93
Definition: A communication disorder that involves the processing of linguistic information.
Genes: Foxp2 (Mmu)