7 results
Disease Disease Group: gastrointestinal system disease Genes: InR (Dme)
Source: DOID:9452
Definition: A lipid storage disease characterized by the accumulation of large vacuoles of triglyceride fat in at least 5% of hepatocytes.
Genes: InR (Dme)

Source: DOID:0080208
Definition: A steatotic liver disease characterized by at least one of five specified cardiometabolic risk factors and no other discernible cause with normal to no alcohol use. The five cardiometabolic risk factors are: (1) higher than normal body mass index or waist circumference; (2) higher than normal serum glucose or glycated hemoglobin level, or type 2 diabetes; (3) higher than normal blood pressure or hypertensive treatment; (4) higher than normal plasma triglycerides or lipid lowering treatment; and (5) lower than normal plasma high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
Genes: InR (Dme)

Source: DOID:8577
Definition: A colitis that is predominantly confined to the mucosa located_in colon and includes characteristic ulcers, or open sores.
Genes: InR (Dme)

Source: DOID:684
Definition: A liver carcinoma that has_material_basis_in undifferentiated hepatocytes and located_in the liver.
Genes: InR (Dme)

Source: DOID:10605
Definition: An intestinal disease that is characterized by a reduced ability to absorb nutrients due to the physical loss or the loss of function of a portion of the small and/or large intestine.
Genes: InR (Dme)

Source: DOID:11695
Definition: A hepatic vascular disease that is characterized by a blood clot that forms within the hepatic portal vein.
Genes: InR (Dme)

Source: DOID:5082
Definition: Not Available
Genes: InR (Dme)