8 results
Disease Genes: Irs4 (Mmu)
Source: DOID:9352
Definition: A diabetes mellitus that is characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin.
Genes: Irs4 (Mmu)

Source: DOID:1324
Definition: A respiratory system cancer that is located_in the lung.
Genes: Irs4 (Mmu)

Source: DOID:1059
Definition: A specific developmental disorder that involves significant limitations both in mental functioning and in adaptive behavior such as communicating, taking care of him or herself, and social skills.
Genes: Irs4 (Mmu)

Source: DOID:9256
Definition: A large intestine cancer that is located_in the colon and/or located_in the rectum.
Genes: Irs4 (Mmu)

Source: DOID:3908
Definition: A lung carcinoma that is characterized as any type of epithelial lung cancer other than small cell lung carcinoma.
Genes: Irs4 (Mmu)

Source: DOID:4194
Definition: A carbohydrate metabolic disorder that is characterized by blood glucose levels which cannot be maintained within the normal range.
Genes: Irs4 (Mmu)

Source: DOID:10914
Definition: A cognitive disorder where the memory is disturbed or lost and involves the loss of memories previously established, loss of the ability to create new memories, or loss of the ability to learn new information.
Genes: Irs4 (Mmu)

Source: DOID:0111835
Definition: A congenital hypothyroidism characterized by a small thyroid gland with low free T4 levels and inappropriately normal levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone that has_material_basis_in hemizygous mutation in the IRS4 gene on chromosome Xq22.3.
Genes: Irs4 (Mmu)