6 results
Disease Genes: Mef2c (Mmu)
Source: DOID:0060041
Definition: A pervasive developmental disorder that is a spectrum of psychological conditions. The disease has_symptom widespread abnormalities of social interactions and communication, has_symptom severely restricted interests and has_symptom highly repetitive behavior.
Genes: Mef2c (Mmu)

Source: DOID:1059
Definition: A specific developmental disorder that involves significant limitations both in mental functioning and in adaptive behavior such as communicating, taking care of him or herself, and social skills.
Genes: Mef2c (Mmu)

Source: DOID:1094
Definition: A specific developmental disorder that is characterized by co-existence of attentional problems and hyperactivity, with each behavior occurring infrequently alone and symptoms starting before seven years of age.
Genes: Mef2c (Mmu)

Source: DOID:5844
Definition: A coronary artery disease characterized by myocardial cell death (myocardial necrosis) due to prolonged ischaemia.
Genes: Mef2c (Mmu)

Source: DOID:0070050
Definition: An autosomal dominant intellectual developmental disorder that is characterized by global developmental delay with hypotonia, poor motor development with limited walking, impaired intellectual development with poor or absent speech, and behavioral abnormalities and that has_material_basis_in an autosomal dominant mutation of the MEF2C gene on chromosome 5q14.3.
Genes: Mef2c (Mmu)

Source: DOID:1824
Definition: Not Available
Genes: Mef2c (Mmu)