34 results
Disease Genes: Pparg (Mmu)
Source: DOID:10652
Definition: A tauopathy that is characterized by memory lapses, confusion, emotional instability and progressive loss of mental ability and results in progressive memory loss, impaired thinking, disorientation, and changes in personality and mood starting and leads in advanced cases to a profound decline in cognitive and physical functioning and is marked histologically by the degeneration of brain neurons especially in the cerebral cortex and by the presence of neurofibrillary tangles and plaques containing beta-amyloid.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:9352
Definition: A diabetes mellitus that is characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:9074
Definition: A lupus erythematosus that is an inflammation of connective tissue marked by skin rashes, joint pain and swelling, inflammation of the kidneys and inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:1793
Definition: An endocrine gland cancer located_in the pancreas.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:9970
Definition: An overnutrition that is characterized by excess body fat, traditionally defined as an elevated ratio of weight to height (specifically 30 kilograms per meter squared), has_material_basis_in a multifactorial etiology related to excess nutrition intake, decreased caloric utilization, and genetic susceptibility, and possibly medications and certain disorders of metabolism, endocrine function, and mental illness.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:9452
Definition: A lipid storage disease characterized by the accumulation of large vacuoles of triglyceride fat in at least 5% of hepatocytes.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:10763
Definition: An artery disease characterized by chronic elevated blood pressure in the arteries.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:219
Definition: A colorectal cancer that is located_in the colon.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:11054
Definition: An urinary system cancer that results_in malignant growth located_in the urinary bladder.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:3393
Definition: An artery disease that is characterized by plaque building up along the inner walls of the arteries of the heart resulting in a narrowing of the arteries and a reduced blood supply to the cardiac muscles.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:1561
Definition: A disease of mental health that affects cognitive functions including memory processing, perception and problem solving.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:1287
Definition: A disease of anatomical entity which occurs in the blood, heart, blood vessels or the lymphatic system that passes nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes), gases, hormones, blood cells or lymph to and from cells in the body to help fight diseases and help stabilize body temperature and pH to maintain homeostasis.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:684
Definition: A liver carcinoma that has_material_basis_in undifferentiated hepatocytes and located_in the liver.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:224
Definition: A brain ischemia that is characterized by ischemia of brief duration and without resultant tissue death.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:10591
Definition: A hypertension occurring during pregnancy characterized by large amounts of protein in the urine (proteinuria) and edema, usually by the last trimester of pregnancy.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:2349
Definition: An artery disease that is characterized by a thickening and hardening of arterial walls in the arteries.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:0080322
Definition: A cystic kidney disease that is characterized by the growth of fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys that reduces kidney function and may lead to kidney failure.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:783
Definition: A chronic kidney disease is characterized by non-functioning kidneys, as the final stage in chronic kidney disease.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:0060611
Definition: A syndrome that is characterized by abdominal obesity, blood lipid disorders, inflammation, insulin resistance or full-blown diabetes, and increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:3407
Definition: Not Available
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:0050851
Definition: A glomerulonephritis that is characterized by hardening of the glomerulus in the kidney.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:3587
Definition: A pancreatic carcinoma located_in the pancreatic duct.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:14557
Definition: A chronic pulmonary heart disease characterized by an increase of blood pressure in the pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, or pulmonary capillaries, among others, has symptoms shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, leg swelling.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:0050440
Definition: A partial lipodystrophy characterized by abnormal subcutaneous adipose tissue distribution beginning in late childhood or early adult life.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:3021
Definition: Not Available
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:0070204
Definition: A familial partial lipodystrophy characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance that has_material_basis_in mutation in the PPARG gene on chromosome 3p25.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:811
Definition: A connective tissue disease that is characterized by marked reduction, absence, and/or the redistribution of adipose tissue.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:4989
Definition: A pancreas disease that is characterized by inflammation of the pancreas.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:11613
Definition: Not Available
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:0050850
Definition: A brain disease that is characterized by functional impairment of cognition, cerebral signal conduction, neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity, and underlying structural pathology associated with diabetes.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:0111136
Definition: A congenital generalized lipodystrophy that has_material_basis_in an autosomal recessive mutation of BSCL2 on chromosome 11q12.3.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:12935
Definition: Not Available
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:0081120
Definition: An autoimmune disease of eyes, ear, nose and throat that is characterized by upper eyelid retraction, lid lag, swelling, redness, conjunctivitis, and bulging eyes.
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)

Source: DOID:13207
Definition: Not Available
Genes: Pparg (Mmu)