26 results
Disease Genes: hsp70l (Dre)
Source: DOID:10652
Definition: A tauopathy that is characterized by memory lapses, confusion, emotional instability and progressive loss of mental ability and results in progressive memory loss, impaired thinking, disorientation, and changes in personality and mood starting and leads in advanced cases to a profound decline in cognitive and physical functioning and is marked histologically by the degeneration of brain neurons especially in the cerebral cortex and by the presence of neurofibrillary tangles and plaques containing beta-amyloid.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:9352
Definition: A diabetes mellitus that is characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:1936
Definition: Not Available
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:9849
Definition: A vestibular disease characterized by vertigo, low-pitched tinnitus and hearing loss.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:9074
Definition: A lupus erythematosus that is an inflammation of connective tissue marked by skin rashes, joint pain and swelling, inflammation of the kidneys and inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:5419
Definition: A psychotic disorder that is characterized by a disintegration of thought processes and of emotional responsiveness.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:1168
Definition: Not Available
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:9970
Definition: An overnutrition that is characterized by excess body fat, traditionally defined as an elevated ratio of weight to height (specifically 30 kilograms per meter squared), has_material_basis_in a multifactorial etiology related to excess nutrition intake, decreased caloric utilization, and genetic susceptibility, and possibly medications and certain disorders of metabolism, endocrine function, and mental illness.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:11054
Definition: An urinary system cancer that results_in malignant growth located_in the urinary bladder.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:1485
Definition: A syndrome that is characterized by the buildup of thick, sticky mucus that can damage many organs.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:1287
Definition: A disease of anatomical entity which occurs in the blood, heart, blood vessels or the lymphatic system that passes nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes), gases, hormones, blood cells or lymph to and from cells in the body to help fight diseases and help stabilize body temperature and pH to maintain homeostasis.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:13141
Definition: An uveal disease is characterized by inflammation of any of the layers of the uvea of the eye, which includes the iris, ciliary body, and choroid.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:1470
Definition: A depressive disorder that is characterized by at least two weeks of loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities or depressed mood along with additional cognitive or somatic impairments such as appetite or weight changes, sleep difficulties, psychomotor agitation or retardation, fatigue or loss of energy, diminished ability to think or concentrate, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, and suicidality.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:12306
Definition: An autoimmune disease that causes depigmentation of patches of skin resulting from loss of function or death of melanoctyes.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:14115
Definition: A commensal bacterial infectious disease that results_in infection, has_material_basis_in Streptococcus pyogenes or has_material_basis_in Staphylococcus aureus, which produce toxins that are absorbed systemically and produce the systemic manifestations. The infection has_symptom fever, has_symptom rash, has_symptom hypotension, has_symptom multiorgan failure, has_symptom desquamation, has_symptom vomiting, has_symptom diarrhea, has_symptom headache, and has_symptom nonfocal neurologic abnormalities.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:0080205
Definition: A urinary system disease characterized by structural malformations in the kidney and/or urinary tract containing vesicoureteral reflux.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:13378
Definition: A lymphadenitis characterized by swelling of cervical lymph nodes in infants and young children and inflammation of medium-sized blood vessels and that symptoms of fever, congestion of ocular conjunctivae, reddening of lips, reddening of oral cavity, protuberance of tongue papillae and edema of extremities.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:1824
Definition: Not Available
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:1229
Definition: A schizophrenia characterized by delusions or auditory hallucinations of persecution or being plotted against without thought disorder, disorganized behavior, or affective flattening.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:8725
Definition: A dementia that involves impairments in cognitive function caused by problems in blood vessels that feed the brain.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:9669
Definition: A cataract that is characterized by thickening and loss of transparency of the lens with age progression, caused by a multifactorial etiology related to aging.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:2316
Definition: An ischemia that is characterized by insufficient blood flow to the brain to meet metabolic demand.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:9651
Definition: Not Available
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:0081267
Definition: An immune system disease that is characterized by recognition by mature donor T cells, that contaminate the allogeneic bone marrow, of the recipient's tissue as foreign, causing a severe inflammatory disease characterized by rashes, diarrhea, and liver disease, and that has_material_basis_in an associated with variation in the interleukin-10 gene (IL10) on chromosome 1q32.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:0080784
Definition: An urinary system disease that is characterized by an infection in any part of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder or urethra.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)

Source: DOID:0080855
Definition: A movement disorder that is characterized by disturbances of balance, gait and posture.
Genes: hsp70l (Dre)