28 results
Disease Genes: skn-1 (Cel)
Source: DOID:10652
Definition: A tauopathy that is characterized by memory lapses, confusion, emotional instability and progressive loss of mental ability and results in progressive memory loss, impaired thinking, disorientation, and changes in personality and mood starting and leads in advanced cases to a profound decline in cognitive and physical functioning and is marked histologically by the degeneration of brain neurons especially in the cerebral cortex and by the presence of neurofibrillary tangles and plaques containing beta-amyloid.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:2841
Definition: A bronchial disease that is characterized by chronic inflammation and narrowing of the airways, which is caused by a combination of environmental and genetic factors. The disease has_symptom recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound while breathing), has_symptom chest tightness, has_symptom shortness of breath, has_symptom mucus production and has_symptom coughing.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:9352
Definition: A diabetes mellitus that is characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:6000
Definition: A heart disease that is characterized by any structural or functional cardiac disorder that impairs the ability of the heart to fill with or pump a sufficient amount of blood throughout the body.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:332
Definition: A motor neuron disease that is characterized by muscle spasticity, rapidly progressive weakness due to muscle atrophy, difficulty in speaking, swallowing, and breathing.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:9970
Definition: An overnutrition that is characterized by excess body fat, traditionally defined as an elevated ratio of weight to height (specifically 30 kilograms per meter squared), has_material_basis_in a multifactorial etiology related to excess nutrition intake, decreased caloric utilization, and genetic susceptibility, and possibly medications and certain disorders of metabolism, endocrine function, and mental illness.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:12858
Definition: A neurodegenerative disease that has_material_basis_in autosomal dominant inheritance and is characterized by unwanted choreatic movements, behavioral and psychiatric disturbances and dementia and has_material_basis_in expansion of CAG triplet repeats (glutamine) resulting in neuron degeneration affecting muscle coordination, cognitive abilities.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:10763
Definition: An artery disease characterized by chronic elevated blood pressure in the arteries.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:784
Definition: A kidney failure that is characterized by the gradual loss of kidney function.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:0080208
Definition: A steatotic liver disease characterized by at least one of five specified cardiometabolic risk factors and no other discernible cause with normal to no alcohol use. The five cardiometabolic risk factors are: (1) higher than normal body mass index or waist circumference; (2) higher than normal serum glucose or glycated hemoglobin level, or type 2 diabetes; (3) higher than normal blood pressure or hypertensive treatment; (4) higher than normal plasma triglycerides or lipid lowering treatment; and (5) lower than normal plasma high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:83
Definition: A lens disease characterized by clouding of the lens inside the eye which leads to a decrease in vision.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:684
Definition: A liver carcinoma that has_material_basis_in undifferentiated hepatocytes and located_in the liver.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:399
Definition: A primary bacterial infectious disease that is located_in lungs, located_in lymph nodes, located_in pericardium, located_in brain, located_in pleura or located_in gastrointestinal tract, has_material_basis_in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is transmitted_by droplets released into the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:9256
Definition: A large intestine cancer that is located_in the colon and/or located_in the rectum.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:5844
Definition: A coronary artery disease characterized by myocardial cell death (myocardial necrosis) due to prolonged ischaemia.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:3770
Definition: An interstitial lung disease that is characterized by destruction, scarring, and thickening of the interstitial lung tissues and progressive pulmonary function loss in a restrictive pattern, has_symptom progressive shortness of breath, fatigue, and chronic cough, possibly has_material_basis_in exposure to certain chemicals, autoimmune conditions, and radiation. It can be caused by inhaling hazardous chemicals, certain diseases, medication and genetics or unknown causes.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:4448
Definition: A retinal degeneration characterized by gradual deterioration of light-sensing cells in the tissues at the back of the eye and has_symptom vision loss.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:8947
Definition: Not Available
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:3083
Definition: An obstructive lung disease that is a chronic and progressive disorder of small airways in the lungs and that is characterized by irreversible airflow obstruction, typically identified by reductions in quantitative spirometric indices, induced forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV1) and the ratio of FEV1 to forced vital capacity (less than 0.7 is diagnostic of COPD). Lung volume is increased and pulmonary hypertension may occur. The pathologic changes result in the disruption of the airflow in the bronchial airways. Signs and symptoms include shortness of breath, wheezing, productive cough and chest tightness. COPD is a consequence (an end result) of chronic bronchitis, emphysema or both.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:9675
Definition: A chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that is characterized by permanent enlargement of air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles and the destruction of the alveolar walls.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:13619
Definition: A cholestasis resulting from causes located_in bile ducts outside the liver.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:3021
Definition: Not Available
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:3525
Definition: Not Available
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:0080547
Definition: A metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease characterized by the presence of inflammation with hepatocyte injury such as ballooning, with or without fibrosis.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:11832
Definition: Not Available
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:9146
Definition: A leishmaniasis that is the most severe form of the disease caused by protozoan parasites of the Leishmania genus, resulting in the infection of the internal organs such as liver, spleen and bone marrow. The symptoms include fever, weight loss, and an enlarged spleen and liver.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:0081292
Definition: A brain disease that is characterized by brain dysfunction caused by an outside force, usually a violent blow to the head.
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)

Source: DOID:5082
Definition: Not Available
Genes: skn-1 (Cel)