105 results
Disease Genes: vegfaa (Dre)
Source: DOID:10652
Definition: A tauopathy that is characterized by memory lapses, confusion, emotional instability and progressive loss of mental ability and results in progressive memory loss, impaired thinking, disorientation, and changes in personality and mood starting and leads in advanced cases to a profound decline in cognitive and physical functioning and is marked histologically by the degeneration of brain neurons especially in the cerebral cortex and by the presence of neurofibrillary tangles and plaques containing beta-amyloid.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:0080600
Definition: A Coronavirus infectious disease that is characterized by fever, cough and shortness of breath and that has_material_basis_in SARS-CoV-2.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:2841
Definition: A bronchial disease that is characterized by chronic inflammation and narrowing of the airways, which is caused by a combination of environmental and genetic factors. The disease has_symptom recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound while breathing), has_symptom chest tightness, has_symptom shortness of breath, has_symptom mucus production and has_symptom coughing.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:9352
Definition: A diabetes mellitus that is characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:7148
Definition: An arthritis that is an autoimmune disease which attacks healthy cells and tissue located_in joint.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:6039
Definition: A uveal cancer that has_material_basis_in uvea pigment cells.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:1686
Definition: An eye disease that is characterized by an unstable or a sustained increase in the intraocular pressure which the eye cannot withstand without damage to its structure or impairment of its function.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:332
Definition: A motor neuron disease that is characterized by muscle spasticity, rapidly progressive weakness due to muscle atrophy, difficulty in speaking, swallowing, and breathing.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:0060193
Definition: An amyotrophic lateral sclerosis that has_material_basis_in mutation in the SOD1 gene on chromosome 21. The most common type of familial ALS.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:0111253
Definition: A neurofibromatosis characterized by multiple cafe-au-lait macules, skin fold freckling, neurofibromas, optic gliomas, Lisch nodules or choroidal abnormalities in the eye, or a specific bone abnormality that has_material_basis_in the NF1 gene on chromosome 17q11.2. Bone abnormalities include a distinctive osseous lesion such as sphenoid dysplasia, anterolateral bowing of the tibia, or pseudarthrosis of a long bone.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:289
Definition: A female reproductive system disease characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterine body.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:10283
Definition: A male reproductive organ cancer that is located_in the prostate.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:10763
Definition: An artery disease characterized by chronic elevated blood pressure in the arteries.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:219
Definition: A colorectal cancer that is located_in the colon.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:11054
Definition: An urinary system cancer that results_in malignant growth located_in the urinary bladder.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:8778
Definition: An intestinal disease that involves inflammation located_in intestine.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:10584
Definition: A retinal degeneration characterized by the gradual deterioration of the photoreceptors or the retinal pigment epithelium of the retina leading to progressive sight loss.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:1682
Definition: Not Available
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:1909
Definition: A cell type cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from melanocytes which are found in skin, the bowel and the eye.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:9119
Definition: A myeloid leukemia that is characterized by the rapid growth of abnormal white blood cells that accumulate in the bone marrow and interfere with the production of normal blood cells.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:3393
Definition: An artery disease that is characterized by plaque building up along the inner walls of the arteries of the heart resulting in a narrowing of the arteries and a reduced blood supply to the cardiac muscles.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:13241
Definition: A vasculitis that is characterized by an autoimmune mediated inflammation of the blood vessels throughout the body leading to ulcerations on the mouth and sometimes the genitals, notorious for causing hypopyon uveitis.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:8893
Definition: A skin disease that is characterized by patches of thick red skin and silvery scales.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:1094
Definition: A specific developmental disorder that is characterized by co-existence of attentional problems and hyperactivity, with each behavior occurring infrequently alone and symptoms starting before seven years of age.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:8552
Definition: A myeloid leukemia that is characterized by over production of white blood cells.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:11612
Definition: An ovarian dysfunction that is characterized by hyperandrogenism, polycystic ovaries, hirsutism, oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea, anovulation and excessive body weight.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:8577
Definition: A colitis that is predominantly confined to the mucosa located_in colon and includes characteristic ulcers, or open sores.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:684
Definition: A liver carcinoma that has_material_basis_in undifferentiated hepatocytes and located_in the liver.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:0050589
Definition: An intestinal disease characterized by inflammation located in all parts of digestive tract.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:9007
Definition: A syndrome that is characterized by the sudden death of an infant that is not predicted by medical history and remains unexplained after a thorough forensic autopsy and detailed death scene investigation.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:2596
Definition: A respiratory system cancer that is located_in the larynx.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:3908
Definition: A lung carcinoma that is characterized as any type of epithelial lung cancer other than small cell lung carcinoma.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:10591
Definition: A hypertension occurring during pregnancy characterized by large amounts of protein in the urine (proteinuria) and edema, usually by the last trimester of pregnancy.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:418
Definition: A scleroderma that is characterized by fibrosis (or hardening) of the skin and major organs, as well as vascular alterations, and autoantibodies.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:8544
Definition: A syndrome that involves prolonged and severe tiredness or weariness that is unrelated to exertion, is not relieved by rest and for a minimum of six months and is not directly caused by other conditions.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:11198
Definition: A syndrome that has_material_basis_in a large deletion of the chromosome 22q11.2 region which includes the DGS gene needed for development of the thymus and related glands with subsequent lack of T-cell production.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:0002116
Definition: A corneal disease that is characterized by a triangular tissue growth located_in cornea of the eye that is the result of collagen degeneration and fibrovascular proliferation.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:841
Definition: An interstitial lung disease involving inflammation of alveoli and smallest airways (bronchioles) of the lung caused by an allergic reaction to inhaled organic dusts containing microorganisms or proteins, and chemicals. Symptoms include chills, cough, fever, malaise, shortness of breath, loss of appetite and weight loss.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:1727
Definition: Not Available
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:10873
Definition: Not Available
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:9256
Definition: A large intestine cancer that is located_in the colon and/or located_in the rectum.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:9538
Definition: A myeloid neoplasm that is located_in the plasma cells in bone marrow.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:5844
Definition: A coronary artery disease characterized by myocardial cell death (myocardial necrosis) due to prolonged ischaemia.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:2048
Definition: An autoimmune disease of gastrointestinal tract that results_in inflammation located_in liver caused by the body's immune system attacking the liver cells.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:3042
Definition: A contact dermatitis that is an allergic skin reaction to foreign chemical or substances leading to red, itchy, weepy reaction where the skin has come into contact with a substance that the immune system recognizes as foreign.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:2921
Definition: A nephritis that causes inflammation of the glomeruli located_in kidney.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:4483
Definition: A upper respiratory infectious disease which involves irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose due to viruses, bacteria or irritants. The inflammation results in generation of excessive amounts of mucus leading to runny nose, as well as nasal congestion and post-nasal drip.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:2999
Definition: A sex cord-gonadal stromal tumor that has_material_basis_in granulosa cells and arises from the sex cord stroma.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:13378
Definition: A lymphadenitis characterized by swelling of cervical lymph nodes in infants and young children and inflammation of medium-sized blood vessels and that symptoms of fever, congestion of ocular conjunctivae, reddening of lips, reddening of oral cavity, protuberance of tongue papillae and edema of extremities.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)

Source: DOID:3827
Definition: A diaphragm disease characterized by the lack of development of all or part of the diaphragm, which results in an abnormal opening that allows the stomach and intestines to move into the chest cavity and crowd the heart and lungs.
Genes: vegfaa (Dre)