3 results
Disease Genes: wg (Dme)
Source: DOID:1612
Definition: An organ system cancer that originates in the mammary gland.
Genes: wg (Dme)

Source: DOID:9970
Definition: An overnutrition that is characterized by excess body fat, traditionally defined as an elevated ratio of weight to height (specifically 30 kilograms per meter squared), has_material_basis_in a multifactorial etiology related to excess nutrition intake, decreased caloric utilization, and genetic susceptibility, and possibly medications and certain disorders of metabolism, endocrine function, and mental illness.
Genes: wg (Dme)

Source: DOID:0110347
Definition: An osteogenesis imperfecta that has_material_basis_in mutation in the WNT1 gene on chromosome 12q13.
Genes: wg (Dme)