8,462 results for camk4


(Danio rerio)
Name: calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV
Synonyms: zCaMKIV, wu:fj42a03, zgc:110275
Source: ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-050417-76
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: camk4 (Dre)
Symbol: camk4
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human CAMK4 (calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase IV).
Strict Orthology Symbols: camk4


(Rattus norvegicus)
Name: calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV
Synonyms: Ccdpk, Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV, RATCCDPK, calspermin, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type IV, CAM kinase-GR, caMK IV
Source: RGD:2264
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: Camk4 (Rno)
Symbol: Camk4
Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human CAMK4 (calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase IV); PARTICIPATES IN calcium/
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human CAMK4 (calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase IV).
Strict Orthology Symbols: camk4


(Mus musculus)
Name: calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV
Synonyms: Ccdpk, AI666733, RIKEN cDNA A430110E23 gene, CaMKIV/Gr, RATCCDPK, D18Bwg0362e, CaMKIV, DNA segment, Chr 18, Brigham & Women's Genetics 0362 expressed, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type IV/Gr, A430110E23Rik, expressed sequence AI666733
Source: MGI:88258
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: Camk4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Camk4
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human CAMK4 (calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase IV).
Strict Orthology Symbols: camk4
Alleles: Camk4 (Mmu)...Camk4 (Mmu)...Camk4 (Mmu)...Camk4 (Mmu)...Camk4 (Mmu)


(Homo sapiens)
Name: calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase IV
Synonyms: CaMKIV, CAM kinase- GR, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type IV, brain Ca++-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type IV, IV, CAM kinase IV, caMK, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV, MGC36771, CaMK IV, brain Ca(2+)-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type IV, CaMK-GR, caM kinase-GR, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type IV catalytic chain
Source: HGNC:1464
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: CAMK4 (Hsa)
Symbol: CAMK4
Strict Orthology Symbols: camk4


(Xenopus tropicalis)
Name: calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV
Synonyms: xCaM, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV, camk4
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-5911781
Biotype: gene
Symbol: camk4
Symbol: camk4 (Xtr)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human CAMK4 (calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase IV).
Synonyms: camk4...camk4...camk4
Strict Orthology Symbols: camk4


(Xenopus laevis)
Name: calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV
Synonyms: xCaM, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV, camk4.S
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-17337568
Biotype: gene
Symbol: camk4.S (Xla)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human CAMK4 (calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase IV).
Strict Orthology Symbols: camk4
Symbol: camk4.S


(Xenopus laevis)
Name: calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV
Synonyms: xCaM, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV, camk4.L
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-5911786
Biotype: gene
Symbol: camk4.L (Xla)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human CAMK4 (calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase IV).
Strict Orthology Symbols: camk4
Symbol: camk4.L


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:2181436
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4 (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Camk4tm1Gsc


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:7288624
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4 (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Camk4em1Smoc


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:2388343
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4 (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Camk4tm2Arm


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:1888972
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4 (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Camk4tm1Tch


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:2158694
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4 (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Camk4tm1Arm


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:6358082
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4 (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Camk4em1(IMPC)Ccpcz


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:4442999
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4 (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Camk4tm1Tsmi


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:7582695
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4 (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Camk4em2Cya


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:7296192
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4 (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Camk4em2Gpt


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:7296191
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4 (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Camk4em1Gpt

Id: MGI:6731264
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4/Camk4 [background:] C57BL/6N-Camk4/Ccpcz (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Alleles: Camk4 (Mmu)
Name: Camk4/Camk4 [background:] C57BL/6N-Camk4/Ccpcz

Id: MGI:3794860
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4/Camk4 [background:] involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Alleles: Camk4 (Mmu)
Name: Camk4/Camk4 [background:] involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6

Id: MGI:4443001
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4/Camk4 [background:] B6N.129S-Camk4 (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Alleles: Camk4 (Mmu)
Name: Camk4/Camk4 [background:] B6N.129S-Camk4

Id: MGI:3794864
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4/Camk4 [background:] B6.129X1-Camk4 (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Alleles: Camk4 (Mmu)
Name: Camk4/Camk4 [background:] B6.129X1-Camk4

Id: MGI:3034061
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4/Camk4 [background:] involves: 129 * C57BL/6J (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Alleles: Camk4 (Mmu)
Name: Camk4/Camk4 [background:] involves: 129 * C57BL/6J

Id: MGI:2451150
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4/Camk4 [background:] involves: 129 * C57BL/6J (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Alleles: Camk4 (Mmu)
Name: Camk4/Camk4 [background:] involves: 129 * C57BL/6J

Id: MGI:4843914
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Camk4/Camk4 Tg(Drd1a-cre)1Gsc/0 [background:] involves: 129 * FVB/N (Mmu)
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)
Alleles: Camk4 (Mmu)
Name: Camk4/Camk4 Tg(Drd1a-cre)1Gsc/0 [background:] involves: 129 * FVB/N


(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Name: CalModulin dependent protein Kinase
Synonyms: YFR014C
Source: SGD:S000001910
Biotype: protein coding gene
Strict Orthology Symbols: camk4


(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Name: CalModulin dependent protein Kinase
Synonyms: YOL016C
Source: SGD:S000005376
Biotype: protein coding gene
Strict Orthology Symbols: camk4

Source: GO:0009931
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: molecular function
Genes: CAMK4 (Hsa)...Camk4 (Mmu)...camk4 (Dre)...Camk4 (Rno)


(Danio rerio)
Source: ZFIN:ZDB-ALT-130129-2060
Genes: camk4 (Dre)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Genes: camk4 (Dre)


(Danio rerio)
Source: ZFIN:ZDB-ALT-120806-9464
Genes: camk4 (Dre)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Genes: camk4 (Dre)

Source: GO:0002735
  • activation of myeloid dendritic cell cytokine production
  • stimulation of myeloid dendritic cell cytokine production
Branch: biological process
Genes: CAMK4 (Hsa)...Camk4 (Rno)

zf169Tg + MO1-camk4

(Danio rerio)
Id: ZFIN:ZDB-FISH-160212-1
Synonyms: Not Available
Genes: camk4 (Dre)
Name: zf169Tg + MO1-camk4

Source: GO:0099527
  • postsynaptic signaling to nucleus
Branch: biological process
Genes: CAMK4 (Hsa)...Camk4 (Mmu)...Camk4 (Rno)

Source: GO:0007270
  • nerve-nerve synaptic transmission
Branch: biological process
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)...Camk4 (Rno)...CAMK4 (Hsa)

WT + MO1-camk4

(Danio rerio)
Id: ZFIN:ZDB-FISH-160212-2
Synonyms: Not Available
Genes: camk4 (Dre)
Name: WT + MO1-camk4

Source: GO:0046827
  • activation of protein export from nucleus
  • positive regulation of protein export from cell nucleus
Branch: biological process
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)...Camk4 (Rno)...CAMK4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0004683
  • ATP:caldesmon O-phosphotransferase activity
  • ATP:protein phosphotransferase (Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent) activity
Branch: molecular function
Genes: CAMK4 (Hsa)...Camk4 (Mmu)...Camk4 (Rno)...camk4 (Dre)

Source: GO:0043011
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)...Camk4 (Rno)...CAMK4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0099170
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: CAMK4 (Hsa)...Camk4 (Mmu)...Camk4 (Rno)

Source: DOID:9975
Definition: A drug dependence that is a psychological dependency on the regular use of cocaine.
Genes: camk4.L (Xla)...CAMK4 (Hsa)...camk4.S (Xla)...Camk4 (Mmu)...camk4 (Dre)

Source: DOID:0060001
Definition: A substance-related disorder that occurs upon the abrupt discontinuation/separation or a decrease in dosage of the intake of medications, recreational drugs, and alcohol.
Genes: CAMK4 (Hsa)...Camk4 (Mmu)...camk4 (Dre)...camk4 (Xtr)...Camk4 (Rno)

Source: GO:0033081
  • regulation of T cell development in thymus
  • regulation of thymic T cell differentiation
Branch: biological process
Genes: CAMK4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0045670
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: CAMK4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0006913
  • nucleocytoplasmic shuttling
Branch: biological process
Genes: CAMK4 (Hsa)...Camk4 (Mmu)...Camk4 (Rno)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0007616
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: CAMK4 (Hsa)...Camk4 (Mmu)...Camk4 (Rno)

Source: GO:0060216
  • definitive haematopoiesis
  • definitive haemopoiesis
Branch: biological process
Genes: camk4 (Dre)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0005516
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: molecular function
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)...CAMK4 (Hsa)...camk4 (Dre)...Camk4 (Rno)

High-Throughput (HTP) Dataset Index metadata provided by MGI
ID: ArrayExpress:E-GEOD-49383, GEO:GSE49383
Tags: WT vs. mutant, genotype
Summary: Reversible protein acetylation provides a central mechanism for controlling gene expression and cellular signaling events. It is governed by the antagonistic commitment of two enzymes families: the histone acetyltransferases (HATs) and the histone deacetylases (HDACs). HDAC4, like its class IIa counterparts, is a potent transcriptional repressor through interactions with tissue-specific transcription factors via its N-terminal domain. Whilst the lysine deacetylase activity of the class IIa HDACs is much less potent than that of the class I enzymes, HDAC4 has been reported to influence protein deacetylation through its interaction with HDAC3. To investigate the influence of HDAC4 on protein acetylation, we employed the unbiased AcetylScan proteomic screen. We identified many proteins known to be modified by acetylation, but found that the absence of HDAC4 had no effect on the acetylation profile of the murine neonate brain. This is consistent with the biochemical data suggesting that HDAC4 may not function as a lysine deacetylase, but these in vivo data do not support the previous report showing that the enzymatic activity of HDAC3 might be modified by its interaction with HDAC4. To complement this work, we used Affymetrix arrays to investigate the effect of HDAC4 knock-out on the transcriptional profile of the postnatal murine brain. There was no effect on global transcription, consistent with the absence of a differential histone acetylation profile. Validation of the array data by Taq-man qPCR indicated that only protamine 1 and Igfbp6 mRNA levels were increased by more than one-fold and only CamK4 was decreased. The lack of a major effect on the transcriptional profile is consistent with the cytoplasmic location of HDAC4 in the P3 murine brain. mRNA expression analysis was performed by microarray in 3-day-old HDAC4 KO pups and WT littermates. Ten samples were analysed for each genotype. Microarray quality control was performed using the software package provided on RACE (http://race.unil.ch).

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0001650
  • fibrillar centre
Branch: cellular component
Genes: CAMK4 (Hsa)...Camk4 (Mmu)...Camk4 (Rno)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0098982
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: cellular component
Genes: CAMK4 (Hsa)...Camk4 (Mmu)...Camk4 (Rno)

Source: DOID:1574
Definition: A substance abuse that involves the recurring use of alcoholic beverages despite negative consequences.
Genes: Camk4 (Mmu)...CAMK4 (Hsa)...camk4 (Dre)...camk4 (Xtr)...Camk4 (Rno)