Name: GLI family zinc finger 3
Synonyms: transcriptional activator GLI3, PAPB, PAPA, GLI3-190, PAPA1, GLI3 form of 190 kDa, GLI3FL, GLI3 full length protein, DNA-binding protein, GLI-Kruppel family member GLI3, zinc finger protein GLI3, PAP-A, ACLS, oncogene GLI3, PHS, glioma-associated oncogene family zinc finger 3, PPDIV, GCPS
Source: HGNC:4319
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: GLI3 (Hsa)
Symbol: GLI3
Synonyms: transcriptional activator GLI3...GLI3 form of 190 kDa...GLI3 full length protein...zinc finger protein GLI3...oncogene GLI3
Strict Orthology Symbols: gli3