579 results for mtmr4


(Rattus norvegicus)
Name: myotubularin related protein 4
Synonyms: LOC287607, myotubularin-related protein 4
Source: RGD:1310306
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: Mtmr4 (Rno)
Symbol: Mtmr4
Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human MTMR4 (myotubularin related protein 4); INTERACTS WITH 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxine
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human MTMR4 (myotubularin related protein 4).
Strict Orthology Symbols: mtmr4


(Homo sapiens)
Name: myotubularin related protein 4
Synonyms: FYVE-DSP2, KIAA0647, phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate 3-phosphatase, zinc finger FYVE domain-containing protein 11, FYVE domain-containing dual specificity protein phosphatase 2, ZFYVE11, zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 11, phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate 3-phosphatase MTMR4, myotubularin-related protein 4
Source: HGNC:7452
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: MTMR4 (Hsa)
Symbol: MTMR4
Synonyms: phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate 3-phosphatase MTMR4
Strict Orthology Symbols: mtmr4


(Danio rerio)
Name: myotubularin related protein 4
Synonyms: zgc:63645
Source: ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-040426-1208
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: mtmr4 (Dre)
Symbol: mtmr4
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human MTMR4 (myotubularin related protein 4).
Strict Orthology Symbols: mtmr4


(Mus musculus)
Name: myotubularin related protein 4
Synonyms: ESTM44, expressed sequence tag mouse EST 44, mKIAA0647, FYVE-DSP2, AA596759, FYVE zinc finger phosphatase, ZFYVE11, EST AA596759
Source: MGI:2180699
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: Mtmr4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Mtmr4
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human MTMR4 (myotubularin related protein 4).
Strict Orthology Symbols: mtmr4
Alleles: Mtmr4 (Mmu)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)


(Xenopus tropicalis)
Name: myotubularin related protein 4
Synonyms: myotubularin related protein 4, mtmr4
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-986315
Biotype: gene
Symbol: mtmr4
Symbol: mtmr4 (Xtr)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human MTMR4 (myotubularin related protein 4).
Synonyms: mtmr4...mtmr4...mtmr4
Strict Orthology Symbols: mtmr4


(Xenopus laevis)
Name: myotubularin related protein 4
Synonyms: mtmr4.S, myotubularin related protein 4
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-17343209
Biotype: gene
Symbol: mtmr4.S (Xla)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human MTMR4 (myotubularin related protein 4).
Strict Orthology Symbols: mtmr4
Symbol: mtmr4.S


(Xenopus laevis)
Name: myotubularin related protein 4
Synonyms: mtmr4.L, myotubularin related protein 4
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-986319
Biotype: gene
Symbol: mtmr4.L (Xla)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human MTMR4 (myotubularin related protein 4).
Strict Orthology Symbols: mtmr4
Symbol: mtmr4.L


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:6316317
Genes: Mtmr4 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Mtmr4 (Mmu)
Genes: Mtmr4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Mtmr4em1Adiuj


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:4433302
Genes: Mtmr4 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Mtmr4 (Mmu)
Genes: Mtmr4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Mtmr4tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:7302595
Genes: Mtmr4 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Mtmr4 (Mmu)
Genes: Mtmr4 (Mmu)
Symbol: Mtmr4em1Gpt

Id: MGI:5782135
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Mtmr4/Mtmr4<+> [background:] Not Specified (Mmu)
Genes: Mtmr4 (Mmu)
Alleles: Mtmr4 (Mmu)
Name: Mtmr4/Mtmr4<+> [background:] Not Specified


(Drosophila melanogaster)
Name: Not Available
Synonyms: MTMR3/4, MYOTUBULARIN-like
Source: FB:FBgn0030735
Biotype: protein coding gene
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to several human genes including MTMR4 (myotubularin related protein 4).
Strict Orthology Symbols: mtmr4


(Caenorhabditis elegans)
Name: MTM (myotubularin) family 3
Synonyms: CELE_T24A11.1, T24A11.1
Source: WB:WBGene00003476
Biotype: protein coding gene
Gene Synopsis: alternative splicing, two isoforms of a myotubularin lipid phosphatase orthologous to human MTMR3 and MTMR4
Strict Orthology Symbols: mtmr4


(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Name: Yeast Myotubularin Related
Synonyms: YJR110W
Source: SGD:S000003871
Biotype: protein coding gene
Strict Orthology Symbols: mtmr4

Source: GO:0036186
  • early phagocytic vesicle membrane
Branch: cellular component
Genes: Mtmr4 (Mmu)...Mtmr4 (Rno)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:2001136
  • negative regulation of retrograde transport of endocytic vesicles
Branch: biological process
Genes: MTMR4 (Hsa)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...Mtmr4 (Rno)

Source: GO:0052629
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: molecular function
Genes: mtmr4 (Dre)...MTMR4 (Hsa)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...Mtmr4 (Rno)

Source: DOID:0111225
Definition: A centronuclear myopathy that has_material_basis_in X-linked inheritance of mutations in MTM1 on Xq28.
Genes: mtmr4 (Xtr)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...Mtmr4 (Rno)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0014894
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: MTMR4 (Hsa)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...Mtmr4 (Rno)

Source: GO:0090382
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: MTMR4 (Hsa)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...Mtmr4 (Rno)

Source: GO:0004438
  • 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol-3-phosphate 3-phosphohydrolase activity
  • D-myo-inositol-1,3-bisphosphate 3-phosphohydrolase activity
Branch: molecular function
Genes: mtmr4 (Dre)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...Mtmr4 (Rno)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0061952
  • cell separation during cytokinesis
  • cytokinetic abscission
Branch: biological process
Genes: Mtmr4 (Mmu)...Mtmr4 (Rno)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0046856
  • PIP catabolism
  • PtdInsP catabolism
Branch: biological process
Genes: mtmr4 (Dre)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...Mtmr4 (Rno)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0060304
  • regulation of phosphoinositide dephosphorylation
Branch: biological process
Genes: Mtmr4 (Mmu)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0070412
  • pathway restricted SMAD binding
  • pathway-restricted SMAD binding
Branch: molecular function
Genes: Mtmr4 (Rno)...MTMR4 (Hsa)


(Drosophila melanogaster)
Source: FB:FBal0283049
Genes: Not Available
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Hsap\MTMR4
Construct Expressed Component: MTMR4 (Hsa)


(Drosophila melanogaster)
Source: FB:FBal0283050
Genes: Not Available
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Hsap\MTMR4
Construct Expressed Component: MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: DOID:10595
Definition: A neuromuscular disease that is characterized by a slowly progressive degeneration of the muscles of the foot, lower leg, hand and forearm.
Genes: Mtmr4 (Rno)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...mtmr4 (Xtr)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: DOID:767
Definition: Not Available
Genes: Mtmr4 (Rno)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...mtmr4 (Xtr)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0004726
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: molecular function
Genes: mtmr4 (Dre)...Mtmr4 (Rno)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0019903
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: molecular function
Genes: mtmr4 (Dre)...Mtmr4 (Rno)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0140793
  • histone H2-Y142 phosphatase activity
  • histone H2Y142 phosphatase activity
Branch: molecular function
Genes: mtmr4 (Dre)...Mtmr4 (Rno)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0030946
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: molecular function
Genes: mtmr4 (Dre)...Mtmr4 (Rno)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0006661
  • PtdIns biosynthesis
  • PtdIns biosynthetic process
Branch: biological process
Genes: MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0030514
  • down regulation of BMP signaling pathway
  • down-regulation of BMP signaling pathway
Branch: biological process
Genes: Mtmr4 (Rno)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0055038
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: cellular component
Genes: Mtmr4 (Rno)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0004722
  • magnesium-dependent protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity
  • phosphatase I
Branch: molecular function
Genes: Mtmr4 (Mmu)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0030512
  • down regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway
  • down-regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway
Branch: biological process
Genes: Mtmr4 (Rno)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0030670
  • phagosome membrane
Branch: cellular component
Genes: MTMR4 (Hsa)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0010008
  • endosomal membrane
Branch: cellular component
Genes: Mtmr4 (Rno)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0031901
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: cellular component
Genes: Mtmr4 (Rno)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0031902
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: cellular component
Genes: Mtmr4 (Rno)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0010506
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: MTMR4 (Hsa)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0016311
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: mtmr4 (Dre)

Source: GO:0060090
  • binding, bridging
  • protein complex scaffold activity
Branch: molecular function
Genes: Mtmr4 (Rno)...Mtmr4 (Mmu)...MTMR4 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0004725
  • PPT-phosphatase activity
  • PTP-phosphatase activity
Branch: molecular function
Genes: mtmr4 (Dre)

Source: GO:0004721
  • phosphoprotein phosphohydrolase activity
  • protein phosphatase activity
Branch: molecular function
Genes: mtmr4 (Dre)

Source: rs199786193
Genes: MTMR4 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: missense_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)17:58505560C>T
Gene Synonyms: phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate 3-phosphatase MTMR4

Source: rs141606202
Genes: MTMR4 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: non_coding_transcript_exon_variant, synonymous_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)17:58508178A>G
Gene Synonyms: phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate 3-phosphatase MTMR4

Source: rs372030322
Genes: MTMR4 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: missense_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)17:58507314A>G
Gene Synonyms: phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate 3-phosphatase MTMR4