1,901 results for scyl2


(Mus musculus)
Name: SCY1-like 2 (S. cerevisiae)
Synonyms: AW536445, expressed sequence AW536445, BC030932, CVAK104, expressed sequence AU015688, AU015688, RGD1305665, cDNA sequence BC030932, D10Ertd802e, DNA segment, Chr 10, ERATO Doi 802, expressed
Source: MGI:1289172
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Symbol: Scyl2
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human SCYL2 (SCY1 like pseudokinase 2).
Strict Orthology Symbols: scyl2
Alleles: Scyl2 (Mmu)...Scyl2 (Mmu)


(Rattus norvegicus)
Name: SCY1 like pseudokinase 2
Synonyms: SCY1-like, kinase-like 2, LOC314717, SCY1-like 2 (S. cerevisiae), RGD1305665, SCY1-like protein 2, SCY1-like 2, hypothetical LOC314717
Source: RGD:1305665
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: Scyl2 (Rno)
Symbol: Scyl2
Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human SCYL2 (SCY1 like pseudokinase 2); INTERACTS WITH bisphenol A; gentamycin; 1,2-dimethylhydrazine
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human SCYL2 (SCY1 like pseudokinase 2).
Strict Orthology Symbols: scyl2


(Homo sapiens)
Name: SCY1 like pseudokinase 2
Synonyms: SCY1-like, kinase-like 2, FLJ10074, CVAK104, AMC4, AMCNACC, coated vesicle-associated kinase of 104 kDa, SCY1-like protein 2, SCY1-like 2, KIAA1360
Source: HGNC:19286
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: SCYL2 (Hsa)
Symbol: SCYL2
Strict Orthology Symbols: scyl2


(Danio rerio)
Name: SCY1 like pseudokinase 2
Synonyms: si:ch211-244b2.1
Source: ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-041210-205
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: scyl2 (Dre)
Symbol: scyl2
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human SCYL2 (SCY1 like pseudokinase 2).
Strict Orthology Symbols: scyl2


(Xenopus tropicalis)
Name: SCY1 like pseudokinase 2
Synonyms: SCY1 like pseudokinase 2, cvak104, scyl2
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-988941
Biotype: gene
Symbol: scyl2
Symbol: scyl2 (Xtr)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human SCYL2 (SCY1 like pseudokinase 2).
Synonyms: scyl2...scyl2...scyl2
Strict Orthology Symbols: scyl2


(Xenopus laevis)
Name: SCY1 like pseudokinase 2
Synonyms: SCY1 like pseudokinase 2, cvak104, scyl2.L
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-17336379
Biotype: gene
Symbol: scyl2.L (Xla)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human SCYL2 (SCY1 like pseudokinase 2).
Strict Orthology Symbols: scyl2
Symbol: scyl2.L


(Xenopus laevis)
Name: SCY1 like pseudokinase 2
Synonyms: SCY1 like pseudokinase 2, scyl2.S, cvak104
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-6488776
Biotype: gene
Symbol: scyl2.S (Xla)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human SCYL2 (SCY1 like pseudokinase 2).
Strict Orthology Symbols: scyl2
Symbol: scyl2.S


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:5752502
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Symbol: Scyl2tm1.2Spel


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:5752500
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Symbol: Scyl2tm1.1Spel


(Homo sapiens)
Name: SCYL2 pseudogene 1
Synonyms: AC007256.1, SCY1-like 2 (S. cerevisiae) (SCYL2) pseudogene
Source: HGNC:54685
Biotype: pseudogene
Symbol: SCYL2P1 (Hsa)
Symbol: SCYL2P1

scyl2uab409/+ (AB)

(Danio rerio)
Id: ZFIN:ZDB-FISH-220720-33
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: scyl2 (AB) (Dre)
Genes: scyl2 (Dre)
Name: scyl2 (AB)

Id: MGI:5752573
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Scyl2/Scyl2 Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln/0 [background:] involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Alleles: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Name: Scyl2/Scyl2 Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln/0 [background:] involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6

Id: MGI:5752572
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Scyl2/Scyl2 [background:] involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6 (Mmu)
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Alleles: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Name: Scyl2/Scyl2 [background:] involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6

Id: MGI:5752575
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Scyl2/Scyl2 [background:] involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6 (Mmu)
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Alleles: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Name: Scyl2/Scyl2 [background:] involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6


(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Name: Not Available
Synonyms: YGL083W
Source: SGD:S000003051
Biotype: protein coding gene
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human SCYL2 (SCY1 like pseudokinase 2).
Strict Orthology Symbols: scyl2


(Drosophila melanogaster)
Name: Not Available
Synonyms: Not Available
Source: FB:FBgn0039623
Biotype: protein coding gene
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human SCYL2 (SCY1 like pseudokinase 2).
Strict Orthology Symbols: scyl2


(Caenorhabditis elegans)
Name: Protein kinase domain-containing protein
Synonyms: CELE_ZC581.9
Source: WB:WBGene00022635
Biotype: protein coding gene
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human SCYL2 (SCY1 like pseudokinase 2).
Strict Orthology Symbols: scyl2

Source: DOID:0080980
Definition: An arthrogryposis multiplex congenita that has_material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the SCYL2 gene on chromosome 12q23.
Genes: scyl2 (Xtr)...SCYL2 (Hsa)...Scyl2 (Mmu)...scyl2 (Dre)...Scyl2 (Rno)


(Homo sapiens)
Name: C-C motif chemokine ligand 14
Synonyms: chemokine CC-1, NCC2, C-C motif chemokine 14, SCYA14, chemokine CC-3, CKb1, chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 14, hemofiltrate CC chemokine 1, SY14, HCC-1/HCC-3, new CC chemokine 2, chemokine CC-1/CC-3, FLJ16015, HCC-1(1-74), small inducible cytokine subfamily A (Cys-Cys), member 14, MCIF, HCC-3, CC-3, NCC-2, HCC-1, small-inducible cytokine A14, CC-1, SCYL2
Source: HGNC:10612
Biotype: protein coding gene
Synonyms: SCYL2...SCYL2

Source: GO:0021860
  • projection neuron development
Branch: biological process
Genes: Scyl2 (Rno)...SCYL2 (Hsa)...Scyl2 (Mmu)

Id: MGI:5752574
Synonyms: Not Available
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Alleles: Scyl2 (Mmu)
Name: Bax/Bax Scyl2/Scyl2 Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln/0 [background:] involves:
Symbol: Bax/Bax Scyl2/Scyl2 Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln/0 [background:] involves:


(Danio rerio)
Source: ZFIN:ZDB-ALT-220720-26
Genes: scyl2 (Dre)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Genes: scyl2 (Dre)

Source: GO:0072583
  • CME
  • clathrin coated pit-dependent endocytosis
Branch: biological process
Genes: Scyl2 (Rno)...Scyl2 (Mmu)...SCYL2 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0008333
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: Scyl2 (Rno)...Scyl2 (Mmu)...SCYL2 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0031623
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)...Scyl2 (Rno)...SCYL2 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0030136
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: cellular component
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)...SCYL2 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0090090
  • negative regulation of Wnt receptor signaling pathway through beta-catenin
  • negative regulation of canonical Wnt receptor signaling pathway
Branch: biological process
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)...Scyl2 (Rno)...SCYL2 (Hsa)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0010008
  • endosomal membrane
Branch: cellular component
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)...SCYL2 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0005102
  • receptor binding
  • receptor ligand
Branch: molecular function
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)...Scyl2 (Rno)...SCYL2 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0004672
  • protamine kinase activity
Branch: molecular function
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)...scyl2 (Dre)...SCYL2 (Hsa)...Scyl2 (Rno)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0007420
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)...Scyl2 (Rno)...SCYL2 (Hsa)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0005524
  • Mg-ATP binding
  • MgATP binding
Branch: molecular function
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)...SCYL2 (Hsa)...Scyl2 (Rno)...scyl2 (Dre)

Source: GO:0006468
  • protein amino acid phosphorylation
Branch: biological process
Genes: scyl2 (Dre)

Source: rs779464556
Genes: CCL14 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: missense_variant, 5_prime_UTR_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)17:35986637C>T
Gene Synonyms: SCYL2

Source: rs375335603
Genes: CCL14 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: missense_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)17:35984356C>T
Gene Synonyms: SCYL2

Source: rs769854730
Genes: CCL14 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: missense_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)17:35984449C>T
Gene Synonyms: SCYL2

Source: rs778815719
Genes: CCL14 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: missense_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)17:35984345C>T
Gene Synonyms: SCYL2


(Danio rerio)
Source: ZFIN:ZDB-ALT-131217-15226
Genes: scyl2 (Dre)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: point_mutation
Molecular Consequence: splice_donor_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Genes: scyl2 (Dre)


(Danio rerio)
Source: ZFIN:ZDB-ALT-131217-15225
Genes: scyl2 (Dre)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: point_mutation
Molecular Consequence: stop_gained
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Genes: scyl2 (Dre)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0005515
  • glycoprotein binding
  • protein amino acid binding
Branch: molecular function
Genes: Scyl2 (Mmu)...SCYL2 (Hsa)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0016020
  • integral component of membrane
  • integral to membrane
Branch: cellular component
Genes: SCYL2 (Hsa)

Source: rs773105083
Genes: SCYL2 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: missense_variant, non_coding_transcript_exon_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)12:100337393C>T

Source: NC_000012.12:g.100338606G>A
Genes: SCYL2 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: missense_variant, non_coding_transcript_exon_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)12:100338606G>A

Source: NC_000012.12:g.100338625C>A
Genes: SCYL2 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: missense_variant, non_coding_transcript_exon_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)12:100338625C>A

Source: NC_000012.12:g.100338897G>A
Genes: SCYL2 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: missense_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)12:100338897G>A

Source: rs563968407
Genes: SCYL2 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: splice_region_variant, non_coding_transcript_variant, intron_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)12:100317699G>A

Source: rs570442132
Genes: SCYL2 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: missense_variant, non_coding_transcript_exon_variant, intron_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)12:100283082A>G

Source: rs267603735
Genes: SCYL2 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: missense_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)12:100338703A>T

Source: NC_000012.12:g.100338713G>A
Genes: SCYL2 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: missense_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)12:100338713G>A

Source: rs142281097
Genes: SCYL2 (Hsa)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: SNP
Molecular Consequence: missense_variant
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: (GRCh38)12:100339129A>G