5,279 results for stxbp5


(Homo sapiens)
Name: syntaxin binding protein 5
Synonyms: LGL3, syntaxin-binding protein 5, MGC141942, tomosyn-1, MGC141968, FLJ30922, Nbla04300, lethal(2) giant larvae protein homolog 3, syntaxin binding protein 5 (tomosyn), putative protein product of Nbla04300, tomosyn, RP11-361F15.2, LLGL3
Source: HGNC:19665
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: STXBP5 (Hsa)
Symbol: STXBP5
Strict Orthology Symbols: stxbp5.L...stxbp5a...stxbp5b...Stxbp5...stxbp5.S


(Rattus norvegicus)
Name: syntaxin binding protein 5
Synonyms: syntaxin-binding protein 5, lethal(2) giant larvae protein homolog 3, syntaxin binding protein 5 (tomosyn), tomosyn, tomosyn-1
Source: RGD:708517
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: Stxbp5 (Rno)
Symbol: Stxbp5
Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human STXBP5 (syntaxin binding protein 5); INTERACTS WITH 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxine
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human STXBP5 (syntaxin binding protein 5).
Strict Orthology Symbols: stxbp5a...stxbp5b...STXBP5...Stxbp5


(Mus musculus)
Name: syntaxin binding protein 5 (tomosyn)
Synonyms: LGL3, expressed sequence AW742610, RIKEN cDNA 4930565N16 gene, 0710001E20Rik, mKIAA1006, RIKEN cDNA 0710001E20 gene, 4930565N16Rik, AW742610, tomosyn 1
Source: MGI:1926058
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Symbol: Stxbp5
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human STXBP5 (syntaxin binding protein 5).
Strict Orthology Symbols: stxbp5a...stxbp5b...STXBP5...Stxbp5
Alleles: Stxbp5 (Mmu)...Stxbp5 (Mmu)...Stxbp5 (Mmu)...Stxbp5 (Mmu)...Stxbp5 (Mmu)


(Danio rerio)
Name: syntaxin binding protein 5a (tomosyn)
Synonyms: si:ch211-279m15.2, stxbp5
Source: ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-041001-161
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: stxbp5a (Dre)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human STXBP5 (syntaxin binding protein 5).
Synonyms: stxbp5...stxbp5...stxbp5
Strict Orthology Symbols: STXBP5...Stxbp5
Symbol: stxbp5a


(Homo sapiens)
Name: syntaxin binding protein 5L
Synonyms: tomosyn-2, KIAA1006, lethal(2) giant larvae protein homolog 4, syntaxin-binding protein 5-like, syntaxin binding protein 5 like, tomosyn-like, LLGL4, syntaxin binding protein 5-like
Source: HGNC:30757
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: STXBP5L (Hsa)
Strict Orthology Symbols: stxbp5l...Stxbp5l
Symbol: STXBP5L


(Danio rerio)
Name: syntaxin binding protein 5b (tomosyn)
Synonyms: Not Available
Source: ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-090821-5
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: stxbp5b (Dre)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human STXBP5 (syntaxin binding protein 5).
Strict Orthology Symbols: STXBP5...Stxbp5
Symbol: stxbp5b


(Homo sapiens)
Name: STXBP5 antisense RNA 1
Synonyms: RP11-497D6.4
Source: HGNC:44183
Biotype: ncRNA gene
Symbol: STXBP5-AS1 (Hsa)
Symbol: STXBP5-AS1


(Xenopus tropicalis)
Name: syntaxin binding protein 5 (tomosyn)
Synonyms: syntaxin binding protein 5 (tomosyn), stxbp5
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-1012360
Biotype: gene
Symbol: stxbp5 (Xtr)
Symbol: stxbp5
Synonyms: stxbp5...stxbp5...stxbp5
Strict Orthology Symbols: stxbp5.L...stxbp5.S


(Xenopus laevis)
Name: syntaxin binding protein 5 (tomosyn)
Synonyms: stxbp5.L, syntaxin binding protein 5 (tomosyn)
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-17335741
Biotype: gene
Symbol: stxbp5.L (Xla)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human STXBP5 (syntaxin binding protein 5).
Strict Orthology Symbols: stxbp5
Symbol: stxbp5.L


(Xenopus laevis)
Name: syntaxin binding protein 5 (tomosyn)
Synonyms: syntaxin binding protein 5 (tomosyn), stxbp5.S
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-6489271
Biotype: gene
Symbol: stxbp5.S (Xla)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human STXBP5 (syntaxin binding protein 5).
Strict Orthology Symbols: stxbp5
Symbol: stxbp5.S


(Mus musculus)
Name: syntaxin binding protein 5-like
Synonyms: RIKEN cDNA A830015P08 gene, type 2 diabetes mellitus 1, tomosyn-2, t2md1, insulin level locus 1, LLGL4, T2dm1, A830015P08Rik
Source: MGI:2443815
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Strict Orthology Symbols: stxbp5l...Stxbp5l...STXBP5L
Alleles: Stxbp5l (Mmu)...Stxbp5l (Mmu)...Stxbp5l (Mmu)...Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Symbol: Stxbp5l


(Rattus norvegicus)
Name: syntaxin binding protein 5L
Synonyms: LOC288080, syntaxin-binding protein 5-like, syntaxin binding protein 5-like
Source: RGD:1311561
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: Stxbp5l (Rno)
Strict Orthology Symbols: stxbp5l...Stxbp5l...STXBP5L
Alleles: Stxbp5l (Rno)
Symbol: Stxbp5l


(Danio rerio)
Name: syntaxin binding protein 5L
Synonyms: si:ch211-194d6.1
Source: ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-041210-220
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: stxbp5l (Dre)
Strict Orthology Symbols: stxbp5l...Stxbp5l...STXBP5L
Symbol: stxbp5l


(Xenopus tropicalis)
Name: syntaxin binding protein 5L
Synonyms: syntaxin binding protein 5L, stxbp5l, LOC108707806, LOC108709287
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-6050074
Biotype: gene
Symbol: stxbp5l (Xtr)
Strict Orthology Symbols: stxbp5l...Stxbp5l...STXBP5L
Symbol: stxbp5l


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:7493245
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Symbol: Stxbp5tm1Ksak


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:4951266
Genes: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Symbol: Stxbp5ltm1(KOMP)Vlcg


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:7306971
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Symbol: Stxbp5em1Gpt

Source: RGD:2292450
Genes: Stxbp5l (Rno)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5l (Rno)
Genes: Stxbp5l (Rno)
Symbol: Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:6315230
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Symbol: Stxbp5em1Cjln


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:7306972
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Symbol: Stxbp5em8Gpt


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:3814545
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Symbol: Stxbp5tm1Ytk


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:6191657
Genes: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Symbol: Stxbp5ltm1Aljg


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:6191659
Genes: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Symbol: Stxbp5ltm1.1Aljg


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:6277010
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Symbol: Stxbp5em1(IMPC)Hmgu

Source: MGI:5695954
Genes: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Symbol: Stxbp5ltm1.1(KOMP)Vlcg

Id: MGI:6197485
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5l/Stxbp5l [background:] involves: C57BL/6J (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Alleles: Stxbp5l (Mmu)

Id: MGI:5706104
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5l/Stxbp5l [background:] C57BL/6N-Stxbp5l/Ucd
Genes: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Alleles: Stxbp5l (Mmu)

Id: MGI:3814546
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5/Stxbp5 [background:] involves: 129X1/SvJ (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Alleles: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Name: Stxbp5/Stxbp5 [background:] involves: 129X1/SvJ

Id: MGI:6461712
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5/Stxbp5<+> [background:] C57BL/6N-Stxbp5/Ieg (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Alleles: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Name: Stxbp5/Stxbp5<+> [background:] C57BL/6N-Stxbp5/Ieg

Id: MGI:3814548
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5/Stxbp5 [background:] involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL * C57BL/6 * DBA (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Alleles: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Name: Stxbp5/Stxbp5 [background:] involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL * C57BL/6 * DBA

Id: MGI:3814547
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5/Stxbp5 [background:] involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Alleles: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Name: Stxbp5/Stxbp5 [background:] involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6

Id: MGI:6197484
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5l/Stxbp5l [background:] B6.Cg-Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5l (Mmu)
Alleles: Stxbp5l (Mmu)

Id: MGI:6493135
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Stxbp5/Stxbp5 [background:] C57BL/6N-Stxbp5/Ieg (Mmu)
Genes: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Alleles: Stxbp5 (Mmu)
Name: Stxbp5/Stxbp5 [background:] C57BL/6N-Stxbp5/Ieg


(Caenorhabditis elegans)
Name: TOMosyn synaptic protein 1
Synonyms: tomo-1, M01A10.2, CELE_M01A10.2, tag-23
Source: WB:WBGene00006594
Biotype: protein coding gene
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to several human genes including STXBP5 (syntaxin binding protein 5).
Strict Orthology Symbols: stxbp5l...stxbp5a...stxbp5b...STXBP5...Stxbp5


(Drosophila melanogaster)
Name: Tomosyn
Synonyms: Tomosyn, BcDNA:RH19475, Tomosyn ortholog, tomosyn, CG17762, CG2205, CG11056
Source: FB:FBgn0030412
Biotype: protein coding gene
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to several human genes including STXBP5 (syntaxin binding protein 5).
Strict Orthology Symbols: stxbp5l...stxbp5a...stxbp5b...STXBP5...Stxbp5


(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Name: Suppressor of rho3
Synonyms: SNI1, SOP1, YPR032W
Source: SGD:S000006236
Biotype: protein coding gene
Strict Orthology Symbols: Stxbp5...STXBP5L...stxbp5l...stxbp5a...STXBP5


(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Name: Suppressor of rho3
Synonyms: SNI2, SOP2, YBL106C
Source: SGD:S000000202
Biotype: protein coding gene
Strict Orthology Symbols: Stxbp5...STXBP5L...stxbp5l...stxbp5b...STXBP5

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0045159
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: molecular function
Genes: Stxbp5l (Rno)...STXBP5 (Hsa)...stxbp5a (Dre)...Stxbp5 (Rno)...stxbp5b (Dre)

Source: GO:0098674
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: cellular component
Genes: Stxbp5 (Rno)...Stxbp5 (Mmu)...STXBP5 (Hsa)

Source: GO:0099504
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: STXBP5 (Hsa)...Stxbp5 (Rno)...Stxbp5 (Mmu)

Source: GO:0098888
  • extrinsic component of presynaptic plasma membrane
Branch: cellular component
Genes: STXBP5 (Hsa)...Stxbp5 (Rno)...Stxbp5 (Mmu)

Source: GO:0006893
  • Golgi to plasma membrane vesicle-mediated transport
Branch: biological process
Genes: STXBP5 (Hsa)...stxbp5b (Dre)...stxbp5a (Dre)...Stxbp5 (Mmu)...Stxbp5 (Rno)

Id: RGD:2292451
Synonyms: F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi
Genes: Stxbp5l (Rno)
Alleles: Stxbp5l (Rno)

Source: GO:0010807
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: STXBP5 (Hsa)...Stxbp5 (Rno)...Stxbp5 (Mmu)

Source: GO:0017157
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: STXBP5 (Hsa)...Stxbp5l (Mmu)...Stxbp5 (Mmu)...Stxbp5l (Rno)...Stxbp5 (Rno)

Id: MGI:5297580
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Lep/Lep Stxbp5l/Stxbp5l [background:] B6.Cg-Lep Chr 16 (Mmu)

Id: MGI:3028549
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Lep/Lep Stxbp5l/Stxbp5l T2dm2/T2dm2 [background:] involves

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0019905
  • syntaxin-13 binding
  • syntaxin-2 binding
Branch: molecular function
Genes: Stxbp5l (Mmu)...stxbp5l (Dre)...Stxbp5 (Rno)...STXBP5 (Hsa)...Stxbp5 (Mmu)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0017075
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: molecular function
Genes: STXBP5 (Hsa)...Stxbp5 (Mmu)...Stxbp5 (Rno)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0031201
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: cellular component
Genes: Stxbp5l (Mmu)...stxbp5l (Dre)...Stxbp5 (Rno)...STXBP5 (Hsa)...Stxbp5 (Mmu)