Species | Gene symbol | Count | Best | Best reverse | Method Ensembl ComparaHGNCHieranoidInParanoidOMAOrthoFinderOrthoInspectorPANTHERPhylomeDBSonicParanoidXenbaseZFIN |
Homo sapiens | TYSND1 | 10 of 10 | Yes | Yes | ☑ ☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑ ☑ |
Mus musculus | Tysnd1 | 10 of 10 | Yes | Yes | ☑ ☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑ ☑ |
Rattus norvegicus | Tysnd1 | 9 of 9 | Yes | Yes | ☑ ☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑ |
Xenopus tropicalis | tysnd1 | 5 of 9 | Yes | Yes | ☑ ☐☐☑☑☐☑☑☐ |
Drosophila melanogaster | CG3589 | 8 of 10 | Yes | Yes | ☑ ☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☐ ☐ |
Phenotype Term | Annotation details | References |
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Gene | Association | Disease Qualifier | Disease | Evidence | Source | Based On | References |
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Allele/Variant Symbol | Allele Synonyms | Category | Variant | Variant type | Molecular consequence | Has Disease Annotations | Has Phenotype Annotations |
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Species (carrying the transgene) | Allele symbol | Transgenic construct | Expressed components | Knock-down targets | Regulatory regions | Has Disease Annotations | Has Phenotype Annotations |
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Model name | Experimental condition | Associated Human Diseases | Associated Phenotypes | Modifier | Source |
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