To generate the PAC-Tg(SNCAA53T) transgene, the 146 kb RPCI-1 human male P1 artificial chromosome (PAC) clone 27M07, containing the entire human SNCA (synuclein, alpha (non A4 component of amyloid precursor)) gene and 34 kb of its upstream region, was modified to have the A53T human mutation associated with autosomal dominant Parkinson's disease. The transgene integration site is Chr14:111,885,431-111,915,270 (genome build GRCm38/mm10). The updated copy number estimate for line 2 is ~3 copies as hemizygote (~6 copies as homozygote). Multiple genomic fragments from chromosomes 11, 13 and 14 have co-integrated with the transgene. It is not known if these are translocations or duplications.