This allele from project Rnf10-6732J-M6624 was generated at The Jackson Laboratory by injecting Cas9 RNA and 3 guide sequences: GTGAATTGGAGCGACGGGAC, AGACACGGCCAATTTCTATC and GCACGCACTCACACTTTGAC, (along with a plasmid containing 1 kb homology arms flanking the floxed critical exon, which did not integrate) which resulted in a 302 bp deletion beginning in intron 2 at Chromosome 5 negative strand position 115,260,367 bp at GCCGTGTCTGGGAAAACATTAAA and ending after CCTGTCAAAGTGTGAGTGCGTG in intron 3 at 115,260,066 bp (GRCm38/mm10). This mutation deletes all of exon 2 and is predicted to cause amino acid sequence changes after 52 residues and early truncation 9 amino acid residues later. PCR failed to detect the insertion of any loxP sites.