Enables molecular adaptor activity. Involved in mitotic sister chromatid segregation and nuclear pore complex assembly. Located in kinetochore; nuclear envelope; and nucleoplasm. Part of nuclear pore.
WB Description
mel-28 encodes a large (1,784-residue) protein required for nuclearenvelope assembly; MEL-28 is highly divergent from, but orthologous tohuman AT-hook-containing transcription factor 1 (AHCTF1); MEL-28 isfound in nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) during interphase, kinetochoresearly in mitosis, and chromatin later in mitosis; mel-28 mutants werefirst identified in a screen for genes involved in cell division in theearly embryo; mel-28 mutants or mel-28(RNAi) animals have no (or poorlyvisible) pronuclei and nuclear morphology generally, along with a weakmitotic spindle, aberrant chromatin segregation, and abnormallydistributed nuclear envelope (NE) proteins and NPCs; MEL-28 is neededfor normal localization of LMN-1 and EMR-1, and appears to be a stablestructural component of the NE; maternal MEL-28 is needed for embryonicdevelopment.