314 results for fkbp1b


(Danio rerio)
Name: FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B
Synonyms: si:dkeyp-115a10.1, zgc:73381
Source: ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-040426-1785
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: fkbp1b (Dre)
Symbol: fkbp1b
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human FKBP1B (FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B).
Strict Orthology Symbols: fkbp1b


(Mus musculus)
Name: FK506 binding protein 1b
Synonyms: 12.6kDa, expressed sequence AW494148, calstabin2, FKBP-12.6, FKBP-1B, AW494148, FKBP12.6
Source: MGI:1336205
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Symbol: Fkbp1b
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human FKBP1B (FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B).
Strict Orthology Symbols: fkbp1b
Alleles: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...Fkbp1b (Mmu)...Fkbp1b (Mmu)...Fkbp1b (Mmu)...Fkbp1b (Mmu)


(Homo sapiens)
Name: FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B
Synonyms: immunophilin FKBP12.6, peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1B, rotamase, PPIase, PKBP1L, FK506 binding protein 1B, 12.6 kDa, FK506-binding protein 1B, OTK4, h-FKBP-12, FK506 binding protein 1B, PPIase FKBP1B, 12.6 kDa FK506-binding protein, FK506-binding protein 12.6, 12.6 kDa FKBP, FK506-binding protein 1-like, FKBP-12.6, FKBP1L, FKBP-1B, calstabin 2, FKBP12.6
Source: HGNC:3712
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: FKBP1B (Hsa)
Symbol: FKBP1B
Synonyms: peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1B...PPIase FKBP1B
Strict Orthology Symbols: fkbp1b


(Rattus norvegicus)
Name: FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B
Synonyms: immunophilin FKBP12.6, peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1B, calstabin-2, FK506 binding protein 1B, FK506 binding protein 1b (12.6 kDa), rotamase, PPIase FKBP1B, 12.6 kDa FK506-binding protein, FK506-binding protein 1B, 12.6 kDa FKBP, FKBP-1B, FKBP-12.6
Source: RGD:61835
Biotype: protein coding gene
Symbol: Fkbp1b (Rno)
Symbol: Fkbp1b
Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human FKBP1B (FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B); INTERACTS WITH 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxine
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human FKBP1B (FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B).
Synonyms: peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1B...PPIase FKBP1B
Strict Orthology Symbols: fkbp1b


(Xenopus tropicalis)
Name: FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B
Synonyms: xfkbp1b, fkbp12.6, fkbp1b, pkbp1l, PPIase, otk4, FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B, fkbp1l
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-944316
Biotype: gene
Symbol: fkbp1b
Symbol: fkbp1b (Xtr)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human FKBP1B (FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B).
Synonyms: fkbp1b...fkbp1b...fkbp1b
Strict Orthology Symbols: fkbp1b


(Xenopus laevis)
Name: FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B
Synonyms: xfkbp1b, fkbp12.6, pkbp1l, PPIase, otk4, fkbp1b.L, fkbp1l, FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-6077914
Biotype: gene
Symbol: fkbp1b.L (Xla)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human FKBP1B (FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B).
Strict Orthology Symbols: fkbp1b
Symbol: fkbp1b.L


(Xenopus laevis)
Name: FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B
Synonyms: xfkbp1b, fkbp12.6, pkbp1l, fkbp1b.S, PPIase, otk4, fkbp1l, FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B
Source: Xenbase:XB-GENE-17341940
Biotype: gene
Symbol: fkbp1b.S (Xla)
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human FKBP1B (FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B).
Strict Orthology Symbols: fkbp1b
Symbol: fkbp1b.S

Source: MGI:4841973
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Symbol: Fkbp1btm1a(EUCOMM)Hmgu


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:3623214
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Symbol: Fkbp1btm1Amks


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:2182644
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Symbol: Fkbp1btm1Syf


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:7299155
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Symbol: Fkbp1bem1Gpt


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:3796253
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Symbol: Fkbp1btm1Okam


(Mus musculus)
Source: MGI:3796254
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Symbol: Fkbp1btm1.1Okam

Source: MGI:5692614
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Synonyms: Not Available
Variant Type: unreported
Molecular Consequence: Not Available
Diseases: Not Available
Variant Name: Not Available
Symbol: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Symbol: Fkbp1btm1b(EUCOMM)Hmgu


(Homo sapiens)
Name: FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B pseudogene 1
Synonyms: FK506 binding protein 1B pseudogene 1
Source: HGNC:52378
Biotype: pseudogene
Symbol: FKBP1BP1 (Hsa)
Symbol: FKBP1BP1

Id: MGI:3624028
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Fkbp1b/Fkbp1b [background:] either: (involves: 129S/SvEv) or (involves: 129S/SvEv *
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Alleles: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Name: Fkbp1b/Fkbp1b [background:] either: (involves: 129S/SvEv) or (involves: 129S/SvEv *

Id: MGI:6461272
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Fkbp1b/Fkbp1b [background:] C57BL/6N-Fkbp1b/BayMmucd
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Alleles: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Name: Fkbp1b/Fkbp1b [background:] C57BL/6N-Fkbp1b/BayMmucd

Id: MGI:5582596
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Fkbp1b/Fkbp1b [background:] involves: DBA/1LacJ (Mmu)
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Alleles: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Name: Fkbp1b/Fkbp1b [background:] involves: DBA/1LacJ

Id: MGI:3807881
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Fkbp1b/Fkbp1b [background:] ICR.129-Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Alleles: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Name: Fkbp1b/Fkbp1b [background:] ICR.129-Fkbp1b

Id: MGI:3623679
Synonyms: Not Available
Symbol: Fkbp1b/Fkbp1b [background:] DBA/1LacJ-Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Alleles: Fkbp1b (Mmu)
Name: Fkbp1b/Fkbp1b [background:] DBA/1LacJ-Fkbp1b


(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Name: Fk 506-sensitive Proline Rotamase
Synonyms: FKB1, RBP1, YNL135C
Source: SGD:S000005079
Biotype: protein coding gene
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human FKBP1A (FKBP prolyl isomerase 1A); FKBP1B (FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B); and FKBP1C
Strict Orthology Symbols: fkbp1b


(Caenorhabditis elegans)
Name: FK506-Binding protein family 2
Synonyms: Y18D10A.19, CELE_Y18D10A.19
Source: WB:WBGene00001427
Biotype: protein coding gene
Automated Gene Synopsis: Orthologous to human FKBP1A (FKBP prolyl isomerase 1A); FKBP1B (FKBP prolyl isomerase 1B); and FKBP1C
Strict Orthology Symbols: fkbp1b


(Drosophila melanogaster)
Name: FK506-binding protein 12kD
Synonyms: calstabin, FK506-BP2, FKBP12, DrFKBP12, FK506-binding protein, 143729_at, FKBP, DmFKBP12, Fk506-bp2, 11001, dFKBP12, fkbp, Calstabin, FK506-bp2, CG11001, FK506-binding protein 2
Source: FB:FBgn0013954
Biotype: protein coding gene
Strict Orthology Symbols: fkbp1b

Source: DOID:0060674
Definition: A heart conduction disease characterized by adrenergically induced ventricular tachycardia manifesting as syncope and sudden death during exercise, stress or catecholamine infusion without the presence of structural cardiac abnormalities.
Genes: fkbp1b (Dre)...Fkbp1b (Mmu)...Fkbp1b (Rno)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...fkbp1b (Xtr)
Alleles: Fkbp1b (Mmu)

Source: GO:0051284
  • activation of sequestering of calcium ion
  • positive regulation of calcium ion (Ca2+) retention
Branch: biological process
Genes: FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Mmu)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0030551
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: molecular function
Genes: FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Mmu)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0051775
  • redox signal response
Branch: biological process
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Gene Ontology
Source: GO:0005528
  • FK506-sensitive peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase
Branch: molecular function
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...Fkbp1b (Rno)...FKBP1B (Hsa)

Source: GO:0051280
  • down regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol
  • down-regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol
Branch: biological process
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...Fkbp1b (Rno)...FKBP1B (Hsa)

Source: GO:0019855
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: molecular function
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0060314
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0033197
  • response to DL-alpha-tocopherol acetate
  • response to DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate
Branch: biological process
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0050849
  • down regulation of calcium-mediated signaling
  • down-regulation of calcium-mediated signaling
Branch: biological process
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...Fkbp1b (Rno)...FKBP1B (Hsa)

Source: GO:0035773
  • insulin secretion involved in cellular response to glucose
Branch: biological process
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0010880
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0010459
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0010881
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

High-Throughput (HTP) Dataset Index metadata provided by RGD
ID: GEO:GSE102054
Tags: unclassified
Summary: Hippocampal overexpression of FK506-binding protein 12.6/1b (FKBP1b), a negative regulator of ryanodine receptor Ca2+ release, reverses aging-induced memory impairment and neuronal Ca2+ dysregulation. Here, we test the hypothesis that FKBP1b also can protect downstream transcriptional networks from aging-induced dysregulation. We gave hippocampal microinjections of FKBP1b-expressing viral vector to male rats at either 13-months-of-age (long-term) or 19-months-of-age (short-term) and tested memory performance in the Morris water maze at 21-months-of-age. Aged rats treated short- or long-term with FKBP1b substantially outperformed age-matched vector controls and performed similarly to each other and young controls. Transcriptional profiling in the same animals identified 2342 genes whose hippocampal expression was up-/down-regulated in aged controls vs. young controls (the aging effect). Of these aging-dependent genes, 876 (37%) also showed altered expression in aged FKBP1b-treated rats compared to aged controls, with FKBP1b restoring expression of essentially all such genes (872/876, 99.5%) in the direction opposite the aging effect and closer to levels in young controls. This inverse relationship between the aging and FKBP1b effects suggests that the aging effects arise from FKBP1b deficiency. Functional category analysis revealed that genes downregulated with aging and restored by FKBP1b associated predominantly with diverse brain structure categories, including cytoskeleton, membrane channels and extracellular region. Conversely, genes upregulated with aging but not restored by FKBP1b associated primarily with glial-neuroinflammatory, ribosomal and lysosomal categories. Immunohistochemistry confirmed aging-induced rarefaction, and FKBP1b-mediated restoration, of neuronal microtubular structure. Thus, a previously-unrecognized genomic network modulating diverse brain structural processes is dysregulated by aging and restored by FKBP1b overexpression.

Source: GO:0019227
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0061179
  • negative regulation of insulin secretion in response to glucose
  • negative regulation of insulin secretion involved in cellular response to glucose
Branch: biological process
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0016247
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: molecular function
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0048680
  • activation of axon regeneration
  • stimulation of axon regeneration
Branch: biological process
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0033017
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: cellular component
Genes: fkbp1b (Dre)...Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0006458
  • nascent chain protein folding
Branch: biological process
Genes: FKBP1B (Hsa)

Source: GO:0034704
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: cellular component
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0006939
  • visceral muscle contraction
Branch: biological process
Genes: Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0005219
  • caffeine-sensitive calcium-release channel
  • ryanodine receptor
Branch: molecular function
Genes: FKBP1B (Hsa)

Source: GO:0022417
Synonyms: Not Available
Branch: biological process
Genes: FKBP1B (Hsa)

Source: GO:0140839
  • RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain P3 isomerase activity
Branch: molecular function
Genes: fkbp1b (Dre)...Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)

Source: GO:0140840
  • RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain P6 isomerase activity
Branch: molecular function
Genes: fkbp1b (Dre)...Fkbp1b (Mmu)...FKBP1B (Hsa)...Fkbp1b (Rno)