High-Throughput (HTP) Dataset Index metadata provided by MGI
ID: ArrayExpress:E-GEOD-74695, GEO:GSE74695
Tags: WT vs. mutant, genotype
Summary: ST2 heterodimerizes with IL-1RAcp to form the receptor for IL-33, which is primarily associated with allergic inflammation by inducing Th2 responses. Recently, however, IL-33 was found to be expressed in the central nervous system and in retinal Muller cells which imply functions, as yet undescribed, beyond Th2 mediated inflammation. Muller cells support the health of the retina and photoreceptors and are also involved in inflammation in retinal degeneration. It is not known how IL-33/ST2 functions in this capacity. We recently found that ST2 ko mice are protected from CLE-induced photoreceptor loss, implying a detrimental effect of IL33/ST2 in CLE. We wish to perform microarray analysis using WT and ST2 KO mice in CLE model to better understand the mechanism by which IL-33/ST2 regulates retinal degeneration. CLE (Constant Light Exposure) is a model of retinal damage/degeneration in mice. Mice are exposed to bright light 24 hours a day for a period of time which damages retina photoreceptors. This damage is assessed by histology, optical coherence tomography (OCT), which measures retina thickness in vivo. In this experiment, the WT and ST2 KO mice (5 mice per genotype per time point) will be exposed to 1200-lux constant light for 0, 3, 10 days. The retinal RNA will be isolated and analyzed for differential gene expression by microarray.